Basic Qaida
This course is designed as the first step into learning Quran. After completion of this course student will be able to identify and pronounce Arabic Alphabets, basic rules, different symbols and connecting the letters. This course establish the basic ground for understanding and reading Quran correctly.
About Course
Course Code: CFA001 || Prerequisite: None || Audience : Adults
What Will You Learn?
- Wudhu and Tayammum
- Prayer and its rulings
- Ramadhan and its blessings
- Fasting
- Zakat and rulings
- Hajj performing method
Material Includes
- Live Lessons
- Video Lectures
- PDF Notes
- Interactive Quizzes
- Real-Life Scenarios
- Role-Playing Exercises
- Visual Demonstrations
- Q&A Sessions
- Wudhu
- The four compulsory acts in Wudhu
- Twelve Sunnahs in Wudhu
- How to perform Wudhu
- Tayammum
- When can tayammum be done?
- How to do tayammum?
- Eleven important Fiqh terms
- Taking a Bath (Ghusl)
- Salah; the making of a Muslim
- The call to prayer
- The six conditions for prayer
- The six compulsory acts in Salah
- How to perform the Salah
- Zikr and Duas after the Salah
- A summary of performing the Salah
- The Wajibat of Prayer
- The Sunnahs of Prayer
- The desirable acts in prayer
- The undesirable acts in prayer
- The acts which invalidate prayer
- The Friday Prayer
- Requirements for holding Friday Prayer
- Sunnah’s of the Sermon
- The Eid prayer
- Desirable practices on Eid
- Performing Eid Prayer
- The funeral Prayer
- The procedure for the Funeral Prayer
- The voluntary Salahs-NAFL Prayers
- Combining two Prayers
- The Blessings of Ramadan & Fasting
- Fasting develops Taqwa
- Ahmed’s Ramadan Diary
- The Fiqh Rulings for Ramadan
- What does not break the fast?
- The meaning and virtues of Itikaf
- Laylat al-Qadr: the night of power
- Eid Al-Fitr: A time for celebration and charity
- Sadaqah al-Fitr: charity at the end of Ramadan
- The meaning and wisdom of Zakah
- The payment of Zakah
- An overview of Hajj: rules and Conditions
- The five days of Hajj
- The conditions for the soundness of Hajj
- Visiting the blessed city of Madinah
- In front of the holy Tomb
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 2 | 2 |
Sessions Per Month | 8 | 8 |
Monthly Fee | $30 | $20 |
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 3 | 3 |
Sessions Per Month | 12 | 12 |
Monthly Fee | $45 | $30 |
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 4 | 4 |
Sessions Per Month | 16 | 16 |
Monthly Fee | $60 | $40 |
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 5 | 5 |
Sessions Per Month | 20 | 20 |
Monthly Fee | $70 | $45 |
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 6 | 6 |
Sessions Per Month | 24 | 24 |
Monthly Fee | $80 | $53 |
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 2 (Weekends Only) | 2 (Weekends Only) |
Sessions Per Month | 8 | 8 |
Monthly Fee | $40 | $27 |
Course Monthly Fee
The above mentioned fee is implemented on Monthly basis after the satisfaction of Free trial session.
Family Discount Package:
We know that families often have to make sacrifices to afford tuition fee. That's why we have made our Fee Packages as affordable as possible.
20% tuition discount will be awarded to 2nd sibling & subsequent children of a family.
We accept all major debit/credit cards and PayPal payments.
Your monthly fee is collected within first week of every month in advance.
No. You are not required to give credit card information to anyone. You will make payment online in very secure environment.
Yes, there is discount for multiple members of a family. See Family Package.
You may cancel your subscription any time by giving 1 month notice.