Qaida For Beginners
This course is designed as the first step into learning Quran. After completion of this course student will be able to identify and pronounce Arabic Alphabets, basic rules, different symbols and connecting the letters. This course establishes the basic ground for understanding and reading Quran correctly.
About Course
Course Code: CFC005 || Prerequisite: None || Audience : Children
What Will You Learn?
- Master Arabic Alphabets and their pronunciation.
- Understand different letter categories (throat, full mouth, soft, sharp).
- Differentiate similar-sounding letters.
- Learn about compound and joining letters.
- Gain proficiency in short vowels (Harakat), Tanween, and Ghunnah.
- Explore concepts of Maddah, Khari Harakat, and Hroof-e-Leen.
- Understand rules of Sakoon, Qalqala, Noon Sakin, Tanween, Tashdeed, and more.
Material Includes
- Live Lessons
- Video Lectures
- PDF Notes
- Audio Recordings
Practice Exercises - Interactive Quizzes
- Feedback and Assessment
- Q&A Sessions
- Huroof-e-Mufradat (Individual Letters)
- Introduction & Practice of Arabic Alphabets
- Throat letters, Full Mouth, Soft & Sharp letters.
- differentiate in the pronunciation of similar sounding letters
- Compound & Joining Letters.
- Introduction of Short Vowels (Harakat) & Practice.
- Practice of Harakat.
- Introduction of Tanween & Practice (Ghunnah )
- Combine Practice of Haraka & Tanween
- Introduction & Practice of Hroof -e-Maddah.
- Introduction & Practice of Khari Harakat
- Introduction & Practice of Hroof -e-Leen.
- Compound Exercise of Khari Harakat, Hroof-e-Maddah & Hroof-e-Leen
- Introduction & Practice of Sukoon (Jazam) & Letters of Qalqala.
- Exercise of Jazam.
- Rules of Noon Sakin and Tanween (Izhar, Ikhfa).
- Introduction & Practice of Tashdeed, Noon & Meem Mushaddad.
- Exercise of Noon Sakin & Tanween (Idgham and Iqlab).
- The Rules of Meem Sakin Introduction & Practice
- Tafkheem and Tarqeeq of Laam & Raa Introduction & Practice
- Kinds of MADD & Rules of Big and Small MADD.
- Hroof Muqatta’at.
- Zaid Alif Introduction & Practice.
- Practice of Miscellaneous Rules(Izhar e Mutlaq, Sakta etc)
- Introduction & Practice Rules of Waqf & sign of Waqf
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 2 | 2 |
Sessions Per Month | 8 | 8 |
Monthly Fee | $35 | $20 |
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 3 | 3 |
Sessions Per Month | 12 | 12 |
Monthly Fee | $50 | $30 |
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 4 | 4 |
Sessions Per Month | 16 | 16 |
Monthly Fee | $65 | $40 |
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 5 | 5 |
Sessions Per Month | 20 | 20 |
Monthly Fee | $80 | $45 |
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 6 | 6 |
Sessions Per Month | 24 | 24 |
Monthly Fee | $90 | $53 |
Headers | One to One Live Class | Group Class (5-10 Students) |
Class Duration | 25 - 30 min/day | 55 - 60 min/day |
Sessions Per Week | 2 (Weekends Only) | 2 (Weekends Only) |
Sessions Per Month | 8 | 8 |
Monthly Fee | $40 | $27 |
Course Monthly Fee
The above mentioned fee is implemented on Monthly basis after the satisfaction of Free trial session.
Family Discount Package:
We know that families often have to make sacrifices to afford tuition fee. That's why we have made our Fee Packages as affordable as possible.
15% tuition discount will be awarded to 2nd sibling & subsequent children of a family.
We accept all major debit/credit cards and PayPal payments.
Your monthly fee is collected within first week of every month in advance.
No. You are not required to give credit card information to anyone. You will make payment online in very secure environment.
Yes, there is discount for multiple members of a family. See Family Package.
You may cancel your subscription any time by giving 1 month notice.